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Beiträge, die mit tusky getaggt sind

I'm having some problems with #tusky , which is a very good client but one thing is driving me insane:
When I'm closing Tusky, no notification is coming in. But when I'm opening Tusky again, suddenly all notifications are coming at once, takes sometimes minutes until I can use the client again.
Using Tusky 27.1 on Android 14, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, OneUI 6.1.
Of course I have given Tusky all permissions to send notifications.
Does anyone having the same problem, is there a solution?


So interessant #Friendica in der Web App auch ist mit all seinen Funktionen, fehlt mir die #Übersetzungsfunktion (#Translate) von englischen Postings und Kommentaren wie sie andere Apps wie #Fedilab oder #Tusky haben. Also ein Button bei jedem Posting und Kommentar, außer er ist in der Heimatsprache - hier Deutsch.

Übersehe ich das oder wird das noch kommen? Das kann ja eine optionale Funktion sein, wer es braucht schaltet die Funktion ein.

I am stepping back from the #Tusky project with immediate effect.

I discovered severe lapses in how the Tusky project's donations (received via #OpenCollective) were being handled. When I reported those to the project's private "Tusky Contributors" Matrix channel the financial admins tone policed the feedback, refused to engage with the concerns I and others raised, and demanded the discussion be stopped.

There is too much detail for a thread, so please read https://write.as/nikclayton/stepping-back-from-the-tusky-project.

within the context of my struggles to get my home timeline back to being less cluttered and bloated I'm really missing an option to turn off boosts and replies in #tusky - or am I missing something? i keep going to mobile webUI.