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Beiträge, die mit usterritory getaggt sind

I dislike talking about Israel and Palestine. You get extremest, every time you do.

Some extremest, claiming Palestine has no right to exist, with others extremest claiming Israel has no right to exist, and both of them wrong and morally bankrupt. Especially since both extremist want to ignore the existence of the Ottoman Empire, which existed from 1299 to 1922. Instead, they want to cherry-pick a date afterward, that they feel makes their argument appear more valid.

Both have the right to exist, peacefully.

And if you do not think so, please block me, because I don't think you're a real human being, but a troll or a terrorist or a crazy person, and we have nothing to discuss.

#Gaza #Palestine #Isreal #OttomanEmpire #UsTerritory #Territory

2,000,000 people relocated?

I am against the idea of move everyone out of Gaza. That's both insane and morally wrong!

The original report, suggested Gaza was going to be rebuilt and that seemed like a good thing. But kicking everyone out and taking the land for ourselves, that's just messed up, if true.

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #UsTerritory #Territory #UnitedStates

Because of the war, the internet in Gaza is mostly offline, and so is much of the power, so no TV or radio either.

That means, there are going to be a lot of surprised people when they see American troops come rolling in, claiming that Gaza is a territory.

If you're a citizen of Gaza, I'd be curious on your thoughts. Perhaps, you'll be glad Hamas is gone. Perhaps you may also like the idea that Israel cannot bomb you anymore.

I admit, I am trying to be optimistic. If it is any comfort, your uncertainty, may as well match much of ours too. Our President is doing things without consulting anyone.

#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #UnitedStates #UsTerritory

While this move is widely surprising and unpopular, I can see this possibly working. -- Lots of pushback, but I can still see this working.

When Gaza's footprint is overlaid onto New York City, it covers an area roughly the size of Manhattan, the Bronx and Hoboken, New Jersey, combined (see photo). The population of Gaza was only 8 million before the war, and imagine it is less now.

#Gaza #Palestine #Territory #UsTerritory
A photo shows that Gaza is smaller or near equal the size of New York City on the whole.