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Beiträge, die mit wokism getaggt sind

Liberals will always be fake and hypocritical individuals...

"[T]o find the real driving force of this shift, you have to look at the party’s efforts to stop Bernie Sanders.
It is hard to overstate how rampant, dishonest, and often ridiculous this smear campaign was. Sanders’s movement was perennially (and wrongly) derided as a bunch of “Bernie Bros,” meaning a collection of young, often white, and usually angry and misogynistic men who it was dangerous to appeal to. (Now, of course, this same crowd laments the Democrats’ loss of young men and ponders how to win them back.)

When leftists disputed this smear, that was held up as further proof of rampant sexism among Sanders’s supporters. Pro-Democratic voices eagerly took up Trump’s invented label of “alt-Left,” claiming that this movement shared the worldview of the global far right, was making “common cause” with it in a “deeply xenophobic axis” targeting immigrants, and that its “disgust with ‘identity politics’” had “created a kinship” with the alt-right — meaning, with white supremacists.

When Sanders said in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss that Democrats needed to move beyond “identity politics” and that it was not enough to pitch a candidate’s diversity to voters — a view that is now, apparently, uncontroversial within the party’s power brokers — a host of pro-Democratic pundits pounced on him. It was just the first of countless similar, tiresome controversies and race-and-gender-based attacks ginned up against him as he prepared to run again."


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