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Beiträge, die mit Fire getaggt sind

#nuclear #renewableenergy #energy #auspol

we experience high risk bushfires - do people want nuclear plants on fire leaking radioactivity
yes France has relied on nuclear power and it’s been great for them as they don’t have coal or oil but they don’t often talk about the massive fish kills in the Loire valley when some cooling towers leaked
nuclear energy needs lots of water which #australia doesn’t have much of

RaiNews by undefined
Cisgiordania, coloni israeliani appiccano il fuoco a una casa con dentro una famiglia palestinese

Un uomo aggredito a sprangate è rimasto gravemente ferito

In the West Bank, Israeli colonists set fire to a house with a Palestinian family inside.

A man attacked with a knife was seriously injured.

#Palestine #Israel #WestBank #fire

Corriere.it - Homepage by
Incendio tra le vie di Tel Aviv, a fuoco i rottami di un missile dal Libano

Fire in the streets of Tel Aviv, wreckage of a missile from Lebanon on fire.

#Israel #Lebanon #fire #TelAviv

corriere.it by Corriere
Torino, data alle fiamme la bandiera di Leonardo al corteo per la Palestina

Turin, the flag of Leonardo was on fire at the corteo for Palestine.

#Italy #Leonardo #Palestine #Turin #fire

A rider goes through flames during the annual "Luminarias" celebration on the eve of Saint Anthony's day, Spain's patron saint of animals, in the village of San Bartolome de Pinares, northwest of Madrid, Spain. REUTERS/Juan Medina
