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Beiträge, die mit QLDPol getaggt sind

Australia, we have a new boofhead contender & he's from the same outfit as Peter Dutton. Brent Mickelberg is a banker & last month he was advising workers on their concrete pours. The tell here is he refuses to publicly release the maintenance details upon such claims. #qldpol

The Queensland Governor has granted royal assent to the youth justice changes. 20 December is the official start date but nothing has changed to address the underlying causes of youth crime. We now await all consequences of this. #qldpol https://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/government-house/office-of-the-governor/news-and-publications/latest-news/governor-grants-assent-to-a-bill

David Crisafulli vowed a fresh start but after 12 years his environment minister Andrew Powell hasn't moved on from his scepticism of climate change. Responsible for tree-clearing laws, he went straight back into his old Campbell Newman role. #qldpol

Qld youth justice changes have passed the parliament - children can be sentenced as adults for listed crimes. David Crisafulli is expecting royal assent within hours so he has the governor lined up. Now we wait for the first kid to do something. #qldpol

David Crisafulli's belief that a slogan turned into law will make everyone safe. Queensland awaits the first case.

Cooper Labor MP Jonty Bush lost her sister & father to violence. Has never agreed with a harsher approach while underlying societal problems remain. #qldpol https://youtu.be/yc--Ni-6qu4

Are the phones ringing? Is someone running the numbers for Jarrod Bleijie? #qldpol

"No slogan based solutions will ever prove effect". Outgoing Judge Alexander Horneman-Wren comments on the Qld youth justice changes set to be passed this week by the Crisafulli govt. In his experience, most offenders come from horrible economic & social environments. #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1866035552585412644?t=CPVRNI2E8lfrO3nDPj6Ccw&s=19

One of the tenets from the 1987 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody established by PM Bob Hawke was the principle of child detention as a last resort. David Crisafulli will remove that in Queensland when parliament sits next week. #qldpol https://nit.com.au/03-12-2024/15182/peak-indigenous-legal-body-says-new-laws-in-queensland-will-bring-devastating-harms-to-first-nations-communities

Some Qld media commentators this morning suggesting we suspend critiquing the Qld government. No. Democracy didn't end at 6pm on 26 October. There's a whole building dedicated to it over the term of government. It's been used since 1868. The alternative is totalitarianism. #qldpol

As these two did under Campbell Newman, the Qld LNP expect us here to be compliant, not question them & accept what they say. They believe democracy ended on 26 October.

Yeah, well fuck that. #qldpol

This is exactly what Campbell Newman would have said. This is like some sort of horrible musical comedy second act trying to pick up from the first failed one.

David Crisafulli, criticising you does not mean we are criminals. Grow up fast, son. #qldpol https://www.smh.com.au/politics/queensland/crisafulli-says-critics-of-youth-justice-bill-are-part-of-the-problem-20241203-p5kvkp.html

Committee process for the Crisafulli govt's youth justice laws are underway but it only has until Friday to return the bill to the Assembly. Stakeholders did their best in Brisbane yesterday to warn of the long-term impacts to children & the community. #qldpol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-03/adult-crime-adult-time-making-queensland-safer-bill/104675082

If you're not into sport, you probably hear the term "state of origin" & switch off. The term has a much wider historical significance. The story begins in 1859 with Qld's declaration of independence from NSW. Our colonisers left us with zero. #qldpol https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/new-south-wales-left-queensland-broke-from-day-one-20170728-gxl38l.html

"We're talking about taking the money and ensuring every single cent is spent on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."

This is LNP speak for ‘We’ll tell them what they need and our mates need their cut of the funds’.

#Qldpol #LNPQld #QueenslandNationals #TruthTreaty
#ATSI #TruthTelling

David Crisafulli "can't believe anyone could say they're blindsided" by Path to Treaty repeal.

It's the disrespectful way in which it was done by shoving it into the Olympics bill, flagging it urgent & bypassing the parliament's committee process. #qldpol https://nit.com.au/29-11-2024/15137/premier-stands-by-decision-to-axe-truth-telling-inquiry

Qld Attorney-General Deb Frecklington acknowledges the Crisafulli government's amendments to youth justice are incompatible with human rights. With no changes on the ground in Indigenous communities, people are bracing for increased incarceration. #qldpol https://nit.com.au/29-11-2024/15149/cruel-inhuman-queensland-government-admits-justice-laws-will-violate-human-rights

We're not interested in stadiums, Queensland media. We want you to tell us more about the people the Queensland premier has selected for this review committee. A week ago one of them was supporting Jarrod Bleijie on removal of BPIC. So what's going on here? #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1862412031011496156

Qld media, you don't seem to be getting it here. We don't care about the stadium. If Premier David Crisafulli or Premier Steven Miles wants us to build something then that's what we'll do. What we want you to do is scrutinise them on policy. #qldpol https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/watch-live-david-crisafulli-joins-industry-political-leaders-to-detail-vision-for-2032-olympics-at-future-brisbane-event/news-story/f5aa7934fd8d17553e40ce687056eeb8

Excellent report,Ch7. Repealing of an Act of the Qld Parliament is equally important as to the way in which a Qld govt goes about it. The Crisafulli govt's first bill was to bury Path to Treaty repeal inside the Olympics bill & flag it urgent. Hillbilly Dictatorship. #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1862414647657472291

Crisis soothsayer David Crisafulli has handed infrastructure of Olympics 2032 to the property moguls. Stephen Conry will chair the 100 day review with Property Council of Australia's Jess Caire a member. She supported Jarrod Bleijie when he suspended BPIC. #qldpol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-29/100-day-review-olympic-and-paralympic-infrastructure-brisbane/104665538

Locking up more kids, not listening to Indigenous people but really wants Powderfinger to reform because he's really a nice guy. Needs a Hillbilly Dictator T-shirt. #qldpol

A Hillbilly Dictatorship. Bill for kids to be prosecuted as adults now goes to the committee but they've only been given until Fri 6 Dec to return it to the House. Normal consultation with stakeholders & public reduced/non-existent. MPs return on the following Tuesday to begin passing it. #qldpol

David Crisafulli has vowed to have Queensland kids prosecuted as adults for Christmas. Bill to be raised today & rammed through in the "second sitting". At the same time & just to remind everyone he's a great guy, he's asked Powderfinger to reform. #qldpol

The Queensland Governor will open the Queensland parliament this week. No matter how strongly I feel about the government I will never enter the precinct to disturb the business of the elected MPs. Here's why. It's an old law dating back to 1939. #qldpol

I can't begin to tell you how shit the Queensland media is right now. They wouldn't be able to find corruption in a Russ Hinze statement. It's that bad. Odin help us. #qldpol

Don't give up on the Queensland people. They were lied to. There's a big female Queensland Labor Premier on her way. I can hear her but I can't tell you when she'll arrive. She may have only just been conceived. #qldpol https://youtu.be/E2E10pHqHXA

The Queensland media will go to the other side of the planet when it's a Labor premier but when it's LNP premier in David Crisafulli? You must think we're all fucking idiots. FU. #qldpol

The Queensland people were lied to by the LNP through a compliant media. That which doesn't kill us will make us stronger. #qldpol https://youtu.be/MNKg73kQLjs

Where is the Queensland premier? Annastacia would have been on this since yesterday. The entire nation would have known about it. #qldpol https://youtu.be/skiH6Fv9CT8

WTAF is going on here? A major weather event is underway here in Queensland but where's the premier? If he's on holidays that's fine, just tell us. It's over to Jarrod Bleijie but WTF is he doing? Clucking bell. #qldpol

Qld LNP Indigenous Minister Fiona Simpson runs away.

David Crisafulli mistakenly thought Path to Treaty was divisive. It's brought us Queenslanders much closer together. Indigenous people of Queensland will be heard. #qldpol https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/queenslands-truth-telling-inquiry-reopens-submissions/sq4df0e1s

FFS, where's the Queensland Premier? Busy attacking Labor in his socials.

Annastacia would have been on all channels & all media platforms since yesterday warning Queenslanders of this. The entire nation would have known about it. #qldpol

What a rort. Troy Thompson gets full pay for 12 months & doesn't have to turn up. Resign & give the Townsville people a vote. Disrespectful.

Councillor Paul Jacob is again acting Townsville Mayor, which is how it was after the no-confidence motion earlier this year. #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1859509878630564202?t=Kd-hhc3DdiinHI46s9Cl9w&s=19

Queenslanders released from prison in 1893 for being part of the 1891 Shearers' strike. The Queensland Parliament in the background. What would they think of David Crisafulli & Jarrod Bleijie? #qldpol

Tail ends of Queensland Ch7 & Ch9 Sunday night political reports. This is how the Qld LNP establishes a need for expansion of chaplains in schools under the guise of addressing bullies. A gentle insertion into a conversation between journalists. #qldpol

David Crisafulli "ordered" but did he use an executive power? Jarrod Bleijie feeds another "blowout" to the media. What's not being discussed is the heat safety best practice matches the WorkSafe legislation. So what are the details on repeal/amendment to the workplace? #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1858061237172818179?t=8MOJpq78U6YcuaoiOM5K2A&s=19

Jarrod Bleijie & his backers demand higher productivity from construction workers by operating through extreme Qld temperatures & humidity. Jacqueline King from Qld Council of Unions explains the heat stress policy in BPIC matches the state workplace health & safety laws. That indicates where he's ultimately going with all this. #qldpol