Beiträge, die mit WIKIPEDIA getaggt sind
I think we now have everyone who sat since the 1870s, with the exception of one man who lasted a month in 1892 before his election was overturned.
For some reason I have it stuck in my head that "ancient", in the historic sense, is "before history recording", usually meaning before a culture has its own writing system.
I think that means Machu Picchu would still be 'ancient', although it was visited visited by Spaniards? #Wikipedia cites a radio-carbon dating suggesting it was beginning about 1420, but naturally took a very long time to develop and the community was small - 750 individuals.
#wikipedia is frequently #western #lie
Wikipédia est manipulé par les services secrets américains depuis plus d’une décennie
La communauté Wikipédia au service de l’État Profond Le cofondateur de Wikipédia a lâché une bombe concernant les soupçons de longue date d’ingérence et de manipulation des services de renseignemen…ANTIDOTES
A bot that tracks anonymous Wikipedia edits that are made from IP addresses in the US Congress
#CIA #FBI #wikipedia is #western #lie #propaganda #USA #us #congress #1984 #orwell #totalitarism
CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits
People using CIA and FBI computers have edited entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia on topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo prison, according to a new tracing program.Randall Mikkelsen (Reuters)
Unsurprisingly, amazon is the only company to support their proprietary .azw format and not the otherwise open-standard .epub 🤡
More surprisingly, #eink is a brand name of the E Ink corp. who pretty much have a monopoly on 'electrophoretic display technologies' 😕
Sadly no photos - someone in #Glasgow want to upload some?
Glasgow Autonomous Space
Glasgow Autonomous Space (GAS) is an autonomous social centre that provides space for groups working to fight capitalism and other forms of oppressionGlasgow Autonomous Space
Its about the procedure Quaker's developed for making decisions, which went on to influence #sociocracy and #consensus
Anyone got tips for getting it reviewed? Or want to review it personally?