Beiträge, die mit georgiaprotests getaggt sind
It is freezing out there, so to keep them warm they decided to burn an effigy of Georgian Dream party chairman and billionaire mastermind Bidzina Ivanishvili. He was in a coffin this time.
If it looks a bit voodoo, that's because it is. Ivanishvili is very superstitious...
The illegitimate government in Georgia are hoping the magic of Christmas will make all their problems disappear.
They are pressing ahead with putting up their annual tree outside parliament in Tbilisi, as if massive protests haven't been happening on that very same spot for the last 10 days straight.
It's already been renamed by the people of Georgia as the Crisis Tree.
Christmas tree being installed in epicentre of mass protests in Tbilisi
On the morning of 8 December, Tbilisi City Hall began setting up a Christmas tree on Rustaveli Avenue, the site of daily protests since late November, where demonstrators have been advocating for Georgia’s movement towards the EU.Khrystyna Bondarieva (Ukrainska Pravda)
The illegitimate government in Georgia just announced they are going to legislate against the use of gas masks at peaceful protests.
There are no lines left in Georgia.
Doctors' petition in Georgia / JAMnews
They are also urging the authorities to disclose the specific substances that have been used so far. Doctors' petition in GeorgiaJAMnews
Anna Gvarishvili,
Georgian journalist.
Today, there are no special forces or police on the streets. Instead, groups of violent men dressed in black are running around, beating people."
Marika Mikiashvili,
"We asked, 'Who are you?' and they said, 'We are your grandmothers and grandfathers. We have come to shield you.'
"Everyone was in tears."
Natalia Tchamiashvili
Young people are very angry and they are not thinking about anything else apart from the protests. There are no other priorities. The priority is to save our country. Protesters say we are protecting you and your kids’ future so you don’t wake up in Russia tomorrow."
I’m 14, photographing the violent protests in Georgia. The EU dream is slipping away - Coda Story
Nestan is a 14-year old Georgian high school student who has spent nearly a year photographing demonstrations in Tbilisi, Georgia.Nadia Beard (Coda Story)
There were 50 arrests, 'special forces' were hunting protestors though the streets, beating anyone they could catch. Armed criminals and Russian FSB members were spotted as informal support to the special forces.
None of this is stopping the protestors. It's making them angry. Nobody's backing down.
Bill Browder.
Saying this, out loud, for the world to hear, at the U S. Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing.
It's a real problem....
This wouldn't have happened in Georgia even a few days ago. The government had the public TV channel locked in to show nothing but propaganda.
They're losing their grip.
Tbilisi’s renowned graffiti artist, Gagosh, shares on Facebook his latest mural in response to the ongoing pro-European protests in the capital. Demonstrators have been using fireworks to counter the police's deployment of water cannons and tear gas.
He accompanies the post with a verse by Byron:
The stars grow jealous as the fireflies soar,
Our borrowed suns—how they crash and roar.
In those fleeting sparks, we see,
The echo of eternity.
The fact that there are over 40 towns and cities that have been protesting against the government for days is unheard of. Nothing like this has been seen in living memory.
The government may survive for a while yet, but there's no way back for them.
A list of names of the secret special forces brutalizing protestors was published last night, and now friends and relatives are publically calling them out.
This might explain why the response to the massive protests last night was so quiet. The 'special' forces were too busy furiously deleting their Facebook accounts and getting told off by their mums!
Whoever leaked that list knew what they were doing.
This gangs are running around the streets and assaulting everyone who leaves the protest or wonders off from the protest.
When Maka and her crew saw what was happening, this is what they did!
Please, boost and spread the word, freedom of Georgia is under attack by #Russian puppet government!
#freedom #politics #activism #georgia #GeorgiaProtests
That's confirmed. There are reports of dozens of other resignations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but none of these have been confirmed yet. Today could be the day.
All eyes on Georgia.
This was followed by a night of protests, the biggest yet. Somehow, the expected violent confrontations with the special forces just didn't happen. It was a calm night, the first in a week.
Something has changed in Georgia....
Joe Wilson,
U.S. Helsinki Commission Chairman.
They're really not holding back on their words here.
Police are now stopping people in the nearby metro stations to confiscate the gas masks protestors are using to protect themselves against the tear gas the police are using on them night after night.
For shame.
The mere winning of the elections is not going to be decisive, that is why I say that we need a constitutional majority to ban them and get rid of them."
Bidzina Ivanishvili,
Georgian Dream party chairman,
(speaking shortly before the October 26th elections.)
It is partly a reaction to the mass protests that have been shaking Georgia for the last 6 days.
Also, it was a pre-election promise.
When somebody tells you who they are..
Bidzina Ivanishvili TV Interview Ahead of Elections
In a rare TV appearance, Bidzina Ivanishvili, Honorary Chair of the ruling Georgian Dream party, spoke with journalist Magda Anikashvili, who asked the interviewee convenient questions with a (Civil Georgia)
Political leaders dragged by repressive forces, party headquarters object to search and seizure operations, offices of youth protesters are searched…
Prime Minister calls that « prevention »…"
Salome Zourabichvilli,
Salome Zourabichvilli,
(Note: the regular police force are not involved in policing the protests in Georgia, it's left to 'special forces' who are as yet unidentified.)
Jaba Devdariani.
In Georgia, a Resistance Movement
When President Salome Zurabishvili uttered the word "resistance" to describe what was happening now in the streets of Georgia, where tens of thousands of protesters confront the brutal police force, fJaba Devdariani (Civil Georgia)
Maria Zakharova,
Russia Foreign Ministry Spokesperson and Gaslighting Award Winner.
Nika Gvaramia, opposition party politician was assaulted in broad daylight, in the party offices, and carried away unconscious by the police.
It's just one of many raids and arrests happening simultaneously in Georgia after nights of protests.
This is Georgia now.
Happening in Georgia now are simultaneous police raids of offices and homes of many different opposition parties and activists and civil society groups.
It's unclear how successful these raids have been, with some leaving immediately after being challenged for the necessary paperwork, and some activists being taken into custody with their phones and laptops confiscated.
Giorgi Gvimradze has stepped down as News Director of the Georgian Public Broadcaster.
Marika Mikiashvili,
Georgian Journalist.
Top former US officials and experts call to sanction Ivanishvili, withhold recognition of election results
ტელეკომპანია ფორმულას ოფიციალური ვებგვერდი. საინტერესო და გადამოწმებული ამბები ერთ სივრცეში
The Georgian government have declined to comment.
The only problem is the journalists they have sent are all Russians.
You couldn't make it up, but then you don't need to. That's what Russian journalists do.