Beiträge, die mit BetootaAdvocate getaggt sind
#AusPol #BetootaAdvocate #DuttonChildcareProfiteer #DontVoteDuttonAustraliasNextPM
The satirical Betoota Advocate is all across this 👍
'“I Want Every Young Mum Back In The Office Permanently” Says Multimillionaire Childcare Profiteer'
The satirical Betoota Advocate is all across this 👍
'“I Want Every Young Mum Back In The Office Permanently” Says Multimillionaire Childcare Profiteer'
It doesn't often happen, but today it has. Betoota seems to have pulled an article. 😮
Ooops... Error 404#betootaadvocate #satire #censorship
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7 Supremely Talented Liberal MPs That Could Be PM If Dutton Loses His Seat To A Woman On Election Night — The Betoota Advocate
CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Age:First elected:Hometown:Currently based:Former employment:Famous for: Scott Buchholz, The Member For Wright.Clancy Overell (The Betoota Advocate)