Beiträge, die mit GetUp getaggt sind
I had already been a regular donor to & petitioner for #GetUp for a while pre-Adani, but had begun first hearing of that odious company & project from elsewhere. I emailed my concerns about it to GetUp, who responded that they'd also begun hearing about it & were considering options. Once they ramped up their activities i did what little i could, with gusto. The eventual failure to achieve The Right Result shattered me. It was not the end, but it was the beginning of the end for my active support of GetUp & the dozen or so other environmental & social orgs i supported back then. A bit later, once i realised that the madmonk misgovernment was not just a hoped-for flash in the pan but in fact the beginning of nearly a decade of RWNJ misgovernmental bastardry, i decided that i did not have the heart to endure my pointless activism any longer given it was plain as day that the majority of Strayans were selfish greedy myopic credulous racist arseholes who would elect matching misgovernments against all logic & decency. I'm so glad that others are stronger than me & still willing to fight, but i can't do it. The knowledge of living amongst turds just overwhelms me.