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Beiträge, die mit Hunting getaggt sind

‘Extraordinary longevity’: great whales can live a lot longer than we thought – if we leave them alone

The report comes in the wake of news that Iceland wants to kill more fin whales, the second-largest animal on Earth, and Japan wants to resume hunting them.


#Whales #Iceland #Japan #Hunting #Conservation #Environment
Photo of whale underwater (naturally) : with caption A fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) off the Azores. The species has been found to live for half as long again as previously thought. Photograph: Nature Picture Library/Alamy

Virginia man dies after bear shot in tree falls on him

While I regret that the Bear was killed, I take a certain grim satisfaction in it’s Revenge in death.

I don’t think that the word ‘accident’ is appropriate though. Let me see, there was culpable homicide and death by misadventure to come before we got anywhere near an accident.


#Bear #Hunting #DarwinAward #NoSympathy
A black bear in a tree - a similar animal was shot and killed, and fell out of the tree killing his assailant.