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Beiträge, die mit LondonJazzFestival getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit LondonJazzFestival getaggt sind

Wonderful performance by Marilyn Mazur at the Barbican. Now to the Vortex! #londonjazzfestival

Then I went to Village of the Sun - Binker & Moses plus Simon Ratcliffe. Intense brilliance. Marvellous dance-soul-jazz.

#jazz #EFGLJF #LondonJazzFestival


The second LJF gig I went to was Norman&Corrie. This was a brilliant blend of Shetlandic folk and improvised jazz. Just magical. (They've got a new album out - link to BandCamp in the article.)

#jazz #EFGLJF #LondonJazzFestival


I was down in London last weekend, meeting up with friends and going to gigs in the London Jazz Festival.

I wrote four reviews for UKJazzNews.

First, Ant Law / Alex Hitchcock "Same Moon In The Same World".

#jazz #EFGLJF #LondonJazzFestival


Amazing performance by Emma Rawicz at the #LondonJazzFestival. Didn’t have the presence of mind to bring our records to get signed in the interval so looks like at least one of my relatives will be getting an unsigned Emma Rawicz for Christmas. 😂

Troubling start to my #LondonJazzFestival experience this year. A warmup band (and entire first half) who were unquestionably folk. I like folk, but there is a time and a place for it, and that time is not “the London Jazz Festival”!