Beiträge, die mit OneTrickPhoney getaggt sind
"38 new life peers selected based on cronyism and corruption from our two business as usual parties. Labour and Tories couldn’t give less of crap about making peoples lives better.
"Abolish the House of Lords!"
- Phil Davies, depute leader, Welsh Greens.
#SingleTransferableParty #Brexshitania #BusinessAsUsual #OneTrickPhoney #HouseOfParasites
"Abolish the House of Lords!"
- Phil Davies, depute leader, Welsh Greens.
#SingleTransferableParty #Brexshitania #BusinessAsUsual #OneTrickPhoney #HouseOfParasites
Labour pledge slated as 38 new peers announced
DOWNING Street announced a raft of new nominations to the House of Lords on Friday afternoon, which included former chief of staff to the…Laura Pollock (The National)
"Across Scotland, Labour politicians are desperately purging their websites and social media accounts in order to remove the evidence that they once supported the Waspi women campaign."
#WASPIBetrayal #Liebour #SarwarLiedToScotland #OptionalIdentityMark #OneTrickPhoney #GrannyHarmerStarmer
#WASPIBetrayal #Liebour #SarwarLiedToScotland #OptionalIdentityMark #OneTrickPhoney #GrannyHarmerStarmer
Labour politicians purge websites of Waspi women support
ACROSS Scotland, Labour politicians are desperately purging their websites and social media accounts in order to remove the evidence that they once…Wee Ginger Dug (The National)
The latest betrayal by "Labour" is an absolute belter, even for them.
For Kendall to have the brass neck to suggest Holyrood further mitigate yet more Westminster failure is an insult to the people of Scotland.
For Kendall to have the brass neck to suggest Holyrood further mitigate yet more Westminster failure is an insult to the people of Scotland.
PMQs: SNP MP tears Keir Starmer to shreds for Waspi betrayal
KEIR Starmer mocked the SNP as he was branded a "one trick phoney" after "betraying" Waspi women.Steph Brawn (The National)