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Beiträge, die mit PorchGoose getaggt sind

🤍 🤍🤍SHE'S HERE!!!!🤍🤍🤍

As an approaching-middle-age lady from the #Midwest my time has come, so I put in the order and...

My #PorchGoose has arrived!! I am in love :blobfoxheartcute:

Now here's the tough part - she needs a name, please help me fedi friends :blobfoxconfused:

I'd love something in the drag/punny category - @Cara had some great ones until we realized that geese don't quack, they honk.

So... what do I call my porch #goose ???

#askfedi #advice
Blonde woman in a bright yellow sweater holding an approximately 2 foot goose statue. She is clearly delighted.