Beiträge, die mit PressTV getaggt sind
The #USgovernment’s targeting of #Iran’s #PressTV has been ongoing since June 2021, when its website domain was seized. Despite this, the channel has continued to interview guests from the #UnitedStates and maintain correspondents there. Among its guests has been Weir, who says she has been interviewed by PressTV multiple times over the years without issue—until now.
Weir, best known for her book “Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel.” also runs the website “If Americans Knew,” which offers critical perspectives on occupied #Palestine. Following the FBI’s unexpected visit to her home, Weir expressed concern over what she perceives as a coordinated effort to suppress #dissenting views on #Israel.
“It would appear someone is now trying to set the stage to silence dissent on Israel-Palestine in the United States by trumping up ‘connections with Iran,’” Weir said, noting that other pro-Palestine #activists have reported similar visits from the #FBI.
Weir, best known for her book “Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel.” also runs the website “If Americans Knew,” which offers critical perspectives on occupied #Palestine. Following the FBI’s unexpected visit to her home, Weir expressed concern over what she perceives as a coordinated effort to suppress #dissenting views on #Israel.
“It would appear someone is now trying to set the stage to silence dissent on Israel-Palestine in the United States by trumping up ‘connections with Iran,’” Weir said, noting that other pro-Palestine #activists have reported similar visits from the #FBI.
Why Did The FBI Show Up At Alison Weir’s Door?
Journalist and author Alison Weir has raised concerns over what she describes as an unsettling visit from the FBI, alleging that agents showed up at her home unannounced to question her.Christopher Johnson (PopularResistance.Org)