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Beiträge, die mit Request getaggt sind

Does anyone on here have a couple of 8" floppy disks knocking around I could buy off them?
A few on eBay, but I'm reluctant to pay £60 for a job lot just to test one thing which may or may not work.
#making #request

DING DONG: Victoria Nuland Steps Down After Gateway Pundit FOIA Request

DING DONG : Victoria #Nuland #Steps #Down After #Gateway #Pundit #FOIA #Request

" Victoria Nuland, the architect of the disastrous US #Ukraine policy since #2014, will be resigning “in the coming weeks” after Gateway Pundit filed a FOIA request to find out what her role was in the #death of #US #journalist #Gonzalo Lira in #Ukraine, an outspoken Nuland critic who was subsequently arrested and tortured in Ukraine. "

#USA #us #deepstate #corruption #Maidan #ukrainian #history