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Beiträge, die mit RunBSD getaggt sind

Thanks to the #FreeBSD Handbook on Ports and the following page, I finally got around to building the drm-kmod port and dependencies so that amdgpu runs properly on 14.2. :runbsdBg:


My Dell monitor showing my FreeBSD session with Tmux running in 2 panes, one over the other. Top pane is running Lynx browser and showing the Ports page on the FreeBSD Handbook. Bottom pane is showing the deinstallation of the drm-kmod binary package.
My Dell monitor showing my FreeBSD session with Tmux running in 2 panes, one over the other. Top pane is running Lynx browser and showing the Ports page on the FreeBSD Handbook. Bottom pane is building he dependencies for the drm-kmod port.