Beiträge, die mit SyrianPresident getaggt sind Syria Civil War: Tomb of ousted president Bashar al-Assad’s father torched in Qardaha #AssadFamilyMembers #BasharAlAssad #Bashar'sBrotherBassel #Conflicts #HafezAlAssadTomb #IslamistLedRebels #LatakiaProvince #Qardaha #RebelsAttackMausoleum #Syria #SyrianCivilWar #SyrianPresident
Syria Civil War: Tomb of ousted president Bashar al-Assad's father torched in Qardaha - EUROPE SAYS
The tomb of ousted Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's father Hafez was set ablaze in Qardaha, according to aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)