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Beiträge, die mit Talkshows getaggt sind

Hmmm #Tagesschau, und dabei versucht die #ARD ja so angestrengt mit all den #Talkshows und Schlammschlachten, die Leute zu bilden wa?

Oh look! The female #CNN reporter Chadors/Hijabis up for these apostate pieces of headchopping shit!

#Assad Is Out, #WokeAlQaeda Is In! #caitlinjohnstone

"Only a matter of time before we start seeing former #ISIS and #alQaeda members chatting it up on #liberals western #talkshows (😎) with their preferred gender pronouns listed next to their names."

Reading by Tim Foley, or read it here https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/12/08/assad-is-out-woke-al-qaeda-is-in/ #Syria #SyrianCivilWar @syria