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Beiträge, die mit TheUnAmericanVotersDidThis getaggt sind

just imagine #FDR had said he was fine with #Hitler's imperial war against his neighbors and #Europe had to fend for itself as the US had to concentrate on fighting the Japanese ... It'd be a much different world today!
I guess, that is what the #OilAndGasMafia and the #BillionaireClass want to go back to, just to avoid accountability before the law and paying their fair share.
Now like then they will not be able to control a fascist dictator and succumb to the regime sooner or later ... #NeverAgainIsNow #AllForMoney #TheUnAmericanVotersDidThis #ClassWar
A GI clutching his rifle and looking wistfully into the distance of what could be hours before landing on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.
The text reads: "420 thousands of us died stopping a man who spoke like Trump. You betray our sacrifice if you vote for fascism."