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Beiträge, die mit UKpolice getaggt sind

#CLASSWAR | How The Banks Commit Property Fraud On Industrial Scale By Selling Your House From Under Your Feet

The Banks are using the #UKpolice #UKcourts #UKauctionHouses and 3rd party contractors to evict home owners and #criminalise, #arrest and #convict them to make a max profit, without any legal or financial justification against the mortgage payer.

#educate #organise #resist #SquatTheLot
#press #news #BreakingNews #UKbanks

Paddy Hill, one of wrongly convicted Birmingham Six, dies aged 80

From the article 'No one has been held to account for the 1974 Birmingham atrocity, and the victim’s families continue to call for a public inquiry'

I am unaware of anyone who has been held to account for the miscarriage of justice either.


#MiscarriageOfJustice #Justice #Torture #BirminghamBombings #PaddyHill #UkPolice #UkPolitics