Beiträge, die mit WarCasualties getaggt sind
‘We’re all afraid’: Austria moves to deport Syrian refugees | Nation #Austria #CivilianCasualties #CulturalGlobalization #ForcedMigration #HumanMigration #HumanRightsAbuses #Immigration #InternationalRelations #partners/afp #persecution #Politics #refugee #Refugees #RefugeesOfTheSyrianCivilWar #RightOfAsylum #Syria #SyrianCivilWar #War #WarCasualties
‘We’re all afraid’: Austria moves to deport Syrian refugees | Nation
Syrian refugee Khaled Alnomman said he made a big effort to integrate since he fled to Austria 10 years ago, learning to speak German fluently, getting a job as a bricklayer and applying for citizenship.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)