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Beiträge, die mit deadpost getaggt sind

It gets worse and worse at the Murdochified #BrokenPost. #DeadPost
Oliver Darcy scoop: As Jeff Bezos pushes The Washington Post to the right, publisher Will Lewis quietly met with a conservative editor last month https://www.status.news/p/washington-post-will-lewis-free-beacon

Here I am on CNN, saying it out loud: We are in the middle of a totalitarian, fascist coup, and our incumbent, institutional, mass media--starting with the #DeadPost Bezos is bringing to journalistic ruin--are soft-pedaling it.

What an odious, fucked-up headline in the #BrokenPost, positioning Trump's pivot--no, surrender --to Putin and betrayal--"incredible betrayal," in the story--of Ukraine as a cause of "hope." #DeadPost
What an odious, fucked-up headline in the #BrokenPost, positioning Trump's pivot--no, surrender --to Putin and betrayal--"incredible betrayal," in the story--of Ukraine as a cause of "hope." #DeadPost

Oh, wretch. The Post’s New Mission: "Riveting Storytelling for All of America." That's code for: Suck up to Trump voters.
This is death by consultants' Powerpoints and their BHAGs (200m users? Ha!).
#BrokenPost is now #DeadPost. Lights out.