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Beiträge, die mit freeshop getaggt sind

Does anyone out there run a #freeshop #freestore #verschenkeladen or #umsonstladen?

How do you deal with 'unwanted' items? Do you sell any items?

A recent resident got quickly involved in our #freeshop which we open to the public every Tuesday.

They were inspired enough to make a pop-up version in #Trieste the other day! Apparently a lot of people came, and there was interest to make it regular 😊

Freeshops are don't just reduce waste, but challenge the consumerist mindset and build community resilience 🖤

People in a well lit room. Items lie on tables. Political banners hang on the walls. A small Christmas tree is in the foreground. Cheerful!
A poster for the event that happened in Italian. "Mercatino Gratuito di Natale".