Beiträge, die mit gbrtt getaggt sind
UK workshop for those new to rail freight #Business #GBRTT #GreatBritishRailways #LogisticsUK
UK workshop for those new to rail freight - VibeWire Magazine
British rail freight needs to turn “would be” customers into “will be” customers. That was the message that brought invited “would-bees” together with the industry just a few days ago in London.Simon Walton (VibreWire Online)
UK workshop for those new to rail freight #Business #GBRTT #GreatBritishRailways #LogisticsUK
UK workshop for those new to rail freight - VibeWire Magazine
British rail freight needs to turn “would be” customers into “will be” customers. That was the message that brought invited “would-bees” together with the industry just a few days ago in London.Simon Walton (VibreWire Online)
Myth busting meeting meets modest success #DemystifyingRailFreight #GBRTT
Myth busting meeting meets modest success - VibeWire Magazine
In Britain, opportunities exist for modal shift to rail. That will come as no surprise. None of the attendees in London at the Demystifying Rail…Simon Walton (VibreWire Online)