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Beiträge, die mit goodmorning getaggt sind

#BoreDa bawb. Gwaith heddiw, wedyn sgwrs Cymraeg, wedyn mwy o waith, wedyn Spam, sglodion a wyau am swper. Roedd y wawr pinc iawn eto heddiw.

#GoodMorning everyone. Work today, then Welsh conversation, then more work, then Spam, chips and eggs for dinner. The dawn was very pink again today.

#DysguCymraeg #Dyddiadur

#BoreDa bawb. Cwestiwn y dydd: fydd y sgaffoldwyr dod yn ôl i gael gweddill y sgaffold? Byddwn ni'n mynd i'r siopau, wedyn rhaid i mi wneud fy ngwaith cartref. A, mae gan Alfred apwyntiad amswer cinio.

#GoodMorning everyone. Question of the day: will the scaffolders come back to get the rest of the scaffold? We'll go to the shops, then I have to do my homework. And, Alfred has a lunchtime appointment.

#DysguCymraeg #Dyddiadur

#BoreDa bawb. Mae hi'n braf eto, felly dwi'n mynd i weithio yn yr ardd y bore 'ma. A choginiais i wyau "dippy" berffaith am frecwast. Bydd rhaid Alfred mynd i'r gwaith am sbel, i wneud ymarfer tân.

#GoodMorning everyone. It's nice again, so I'm going to work in the garden this morning. And I cooked perfect "dippy" eggs for breakfast. Alfred will have to go to work for a while, to do a fire drill.

#DysguCymraeg #Dyddiadur

I wasn't sleeping. So I got up to do dishes.
#GoodMorning #Bonjour #GutenTag

I waited about 90 minutes to check in, so my friends in the UK could drag themselves out of bed.
There's 4 hours difference in the time
Green outline of the United Kingdom map with text
"Start your day, before the UK"

Yo! Who has coffee? Give it to me!
#GoodMorning #Bonjour #GutenTag

Everyone's AC working well? 😆

There is slab ice everywhere. The gas pumps are melted, but their parking lots slide into the roadway. where people walk, because there's slabs of ice on the sidewalks.

Missed lane in #Bedford froze as ruts.
Mountains of slush froze our 3 drains.
If we get rain now, we're doomed.

So, pretty good day, otherwise, don't you think?
are spelled with 
the same letters
Think about it