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Beiträge, die mit herut getaggt sind

"Stop apologizing for terrorists." said by
the "professional" #genocide (former) #denier (now) #defender. You're one of those who still rejects to condemn #Irgun #Haganah #Herut #JDL and more #terrorist organizations.
Obviously, the inverse "logic" of yours is the opposite of Truth.

It's a shame @RememberUsAlways, isn't it? How comes that only one out of eleven (11!) bots continues to share the #hasbara of yours? The @palestine approach on #FreeSpeech is standing out, even for people like you and worst.
Somehow, it looks like nobody is buying your #fringeright #zioNAZI #hatespeech.

Let me ask if you still support #ashkeNAZI #terror organizations like #Herut #Irgun #Haganah #JDL and @israel #genocide instead of #HumanRights? Or do you condemn #whitesupremacy and #settlercolonialism now?
Jeff Epstein vector portrait

Hey @Weizenbaum_Institut
I need to know a few things before I could provide papers...
Why should you be trusted with papers and #democracy after your positive framing of #censorship and #contentmoderation?

In context of your name I have to ask if you condemn terror organizations like #Irgun, #Herut, #Haganah? Do you call it a #genocide, or whatever the IDF wants? Are you on the side of @HumboldtUni,
@freieuniversitaet and #warcriminals like #Nethanyahu, or @cij_icj ?

Empowering People in Online Spaces works better if your links start with "https://" instead of emojis. :ac_inspiration:

@FOKUSpublic @unipotsdam @WZB_Berlin @zevedi @CAISnrw @bidt @ECDF @DFN