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Beiträge, die mit lepen getaggt sind

Frankreich: Urteil im Betrugsprozess gegen Le Pen erwartet

Im Prozess Marine Le Pen und 24 weitere Angeklagte fällt heute das Urteil. Es geht um den Vorwurf der Veruntreuung von EU-Geldern. Das Urteil könnte die politische Landschaft in Frankreich grundlegend verändern. Von C. Dylla.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/urteil-le-pen-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#LePen #Frankreich

European far-right leaders, including Jordan Bardella, president of the far-right French National Rally party, were in Jerusalem on Thursday for a conference organized by the Israeli government aimed at combating antisemitism. Paul Smith of Nottingham University says that while the French far-right's main target today is Islam, there is still within the party a 'deeply antisemitic' hard core.
#Israel #France #FarRight #Bardella #LePen #MarionMarechal

Ding dong, LePen is dead.
Another fascist bites the dust.

#DeadNazis #LePen #France

How far-right party and ideology have evolved to become more appealing and popular in France. Today's cartoon by SWAHA. More cartoons: https://www.cartoonmovement.com/search?query=&sort=created&order=desc

#LePen #Bardella #France #extremeright
Cartoon with three panels. In the first panel, we see Jean-Marie Le Pen with a speech bubble with a giant turd in it, with flies surrounding it. In the second panel, we see Marine Le Pen; in her speech bubble the turd is more polished and has butterflies and flowers surrounding it instead. In the third an final panel, we see Jordan Bardella presenting a jar of Nutella (called Bardella in the cartoon), making a sandwich of the brown stuff that was a turd in the previous panels.