Beiträge, die mit mentalilty getaggt sind
About the Patriots and Traitors of Ukraine

A short post about an outsider’s view of Ukraine’s patriots and traitors.
When the famous events in Ukraine happened in 2014 (Government coup Maidan - my note.), I was living in the very west of Europe at the time. Seeing what was happening, I had the most contradictory thoughts about what to do, what to do? To begin with, I had to understand, what exactly was going on? What do people think about it? If they say on TV that everyone is drowning for Europe, but in fact people are for Russia, then it is clear that people are in trouble and it is possible to do something to help. And if everyone is arguing for Europe, well, then I am an old “vatnik” and I should understand their arguments and “time to go to the dustbin of history”…
March 2014. I took a vacation from work, jumped in the car and drove to Ukraine. I set myself a simple and straightforward task: to drive around the country for a few days and ask a variety of people, in different regions, about what and who they were for - Europe or Russia, and why.
I was not sure that people would talk to me or that they would answer honestly. But it was worth a try.
In the end, I toured more than half of Ukraine - the western, central and southern parts. I did not go to the East, it was clear. Everywhere I went I tried to ask everybody - waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, mechanics at service stations, sales clerks - everybody I could ask, and whenever a person had a chance to answer me without witnesses.
Bottom line, I got the following top of the hit list:
To Europe:
My children will be able to leave here in peace and live and study in Europe.
(OK, i.e. the country itself is not of interest to him/her and the goal of flipping the country is to get out of it)
I will be able to bring myself a nice car from Germany without high duty.
(OK, so the country itself is not interesting to him / her and the idea of turning the country over is trivial to change the car for a better one)
I can go to work in Europe. Completely different salary, different living conditions.
(I.e. the country itself is not interested in principle. Again, the idea - to go away).
Guys! NOBODY. NONE of those who voted for Europe has told me a single argument in favor of the fact that the choice of the country will make the country better! NONE!
And at the same time, those who were in favor of a union with Russia (the Customs Union, at the time):
We have all major factories tied to Russia.
Our entire economy is closely linked to Russia and a rupture would destroy our economy.
We sell most of our products to Russia. Who needs our products in Europe? (These were the guys from the village in Zaporizhzhia Oblast)
NONE of those who spoke for Russia has expressed any arguments for themselves and they spoke only about the benefits of their country. I want to note that I did not hear arguments such as “I want to speak Russian” - for some reason, the arguments were in favor of the national economy.
And the former, for 8 years now, have been considered Patriots who shout that they love their country.
The latter are traitors and traitors to the Motherland.
So what follows from all this? What’s new here? Nothing new. Just a statement of fact. And factual proof of who is who.
As it was in the famous play “Wolves and sheep”: “Which of them are sheep, and which of them are wolves - that is the question”.
P.S. Now, when the European salaries bypassed Ukraine, and half of able-bodied population left to earn a living in the West and half of the country became single-parent families with not divorced, but separated parents, and the country learned the reverse side of guestworkers - pseudo-patriots have the new iron reason, why to sink for the West - “We have no other choice! Otherwise, Putin will attack us!”. I already learned this from my recent trip to Ukraine…
The well-known Denning-Krugger paradox: The dumber a person is, the more categorical he is in his beliefs and statements…
Translated into English from the blog of a former Ukrainian…
#ukraine #ukrainian #mentalilty #Maidan #GovernmentCoup #history
A short post about an outsider’s view of Ukraine’s patriots and traitors.
When the famous events in Ukraine happened in 2014 (Government coup Maidan - my note.), I was living in the very west of Europe at the time. Seeing what was happening, I had the most contradictory thoughts about what to do, what to do? To begin with, I had to understand, what exactly was going on? What do people think about it? If they say on TV that everyone is drowning for Europe, but in fact people are for Russia, then it is clear that people are in trouble and it is possible to do something to help. And if everyone is arguing for Europe, well, then I am an old “vatnik” and I should understand their arguments and “time to go to the dustbin of history”…
March 2014. I took a vacation from work, jumped in the car and drove to Ukraine. I set myself a simple and straightforward task: to drive around the country for a few days and ask a variety of people, in different regions, about what and who they were for - Europe or Russia, and why.
I was not sure that people would talk to me or that they would answer honestly. But it was worth a try.
In the end, I toured more than half of Ukraine - the western, central and southern parts. I did not go to the East, it was clear. Everywhere I went I tried to ask everybody - waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, mechanics at service stations, sales clerks - everybody I could ask, and whenever a person had a chance to answer me without witnesses.
Bottom line, I got the following top of the hit list:
To Europe:
My children will be able to leave here in peace and live and study in Europe.
(OK, i.e. the country itself is not of interest to him/her and the goal of flipping the country is to get out of it)
I will be able to bring myself a nice car from Germany without high duty.
(OK, so the country itself is not interesting to him / her and the idea of turning the country over is trivial to change the car for a better one)
I can go to work in Europe. Completely different salary, different living conditions.
(I.e. the country itself is not interested in principle. Again, the idea - to go away).
Guys! NOBODY. NONE of those who voted for Europe has told me a single argument in favor of the fact that the choice of the country will make the country better! NONE!
And at the same time, those who were in favor of a union with Russia (the Customs Union, at the time):
We have all major factories tied to Russia.
Our entire economy is closely linked to Russia and a rupture would destroy our economy.
We sell most of our products to Russia. Who needs our products in Europe? (These were the guys from the village in Zaporizhzhia Oblast)
NONE of those who spoke for Russia has expressed any arguments for themselves and they spoke only about the benefits of their country. I want to note that I did not hear arguments such as “I want to speak Russian” - for some reason, the arguments were in favor of the national economy.
And the former, for 8 years now, have been considered Patriots who shout that they love their country.
The latter are traitors and traitors to the Motherland.
So what follows from all this? What’s new here? Nothing new. Just a statement of fact. And factual proof of who is who.
As it was in the famous play “Wolves and sheep”: “Which of them are sheep, and which of them are wolves - that is the question”.
P.S. Now, when the European salaries bypassed Ukraine, and half of able-bodied population left to earn a living in the West and half of the country became single-parent families with not divorced, but separated parents, and the country learned the reverse side of guestworkers - pseudo-patriots have the new iron reason, why to sink for the West - “We have no other choice! Otherwise, Putin will attack us!”. I already learned this from my recent trip to Ukraine…
The well-known Denning-Krugger paradox: The dumber a person is, the more categorical he is in his beliefs and statements…
Translated into English from the blog of a former Ukrainian…
#ukraine #ukrainian #mentalilty #Maidan #GovernmentCoup #history
About the Patriots and Traitors of Ukraine
About the Patriots and Traitors of Ukraine ukrainian patriot's banner A short post about an outsider's view of Ukraine's patriots and traitors.diaspora* social network