Beiträge, die mit travelWarning getaggt sind
“‘I learned with concern that a French researcher,’ on a mission for the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), ‘who was going to a conference near Houston was banned from entering American territory before being expelled,’ said the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Philippe Baptiste, in a statement sent to Agence France-Presse (AFP). ‘This measure was allegedly taken by the American authorities because this researcher's phone contained exchanges with colleagues and friendly relationships in which he expressed a personal opinion on the Trump administration's research policy,’ he added.”
#USA #fascism #EU #France #science #freedomOfSpeech #privacy #travelWarning
Etats-Unis : un chercheur français refoulé pour avoir exprimé « une opinion personnelle sur la politique menée par l’administration Trump »
Le ministre de la recherche français a dit sa « préoccupation », mercredi, après cette décision des autorités américaines.Le Monde avec AFP (Le Monde)
However, the German Foreign Office has added a number of #dangers to its #travel advice for the #USA after German #tourists were locked up there.
#travelling #travelWarning #tourism #holidays
Nach Festnahmen von Deutschen: Reisehinweise für USA aktualisiert
Nach einzelnen Festnahmen deutscher Staatsbürger bei ihrer Einreise in die USA hat jetzt das Auswärtige Amt reagiert: Das Ministerium hat die Reisehinweise für die Vereinigten Staaten ergä
America® – We do fascism right™
#USA #fascism #travelWarning #Canada #EU
Canadian woman put in chains, detained by ICE after entering San Diego border
A Canadian entrepreneur detained by ICE is speaking out after she got arrested while trying to enter the San Diego border to obtain a visa last Monday.Austin Grabish (ABC 10 News San Diego KGTV)
The EU should be releasing travel warnings at this point.
#USA #US #America #travelWarning #ICE #fascism #travel