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When local #HateCrimes happen to me/my family/my #BIPOC friends - we don't call cops. The cops have abused us too many times for us to expect they'd protect us over bigot perpetrators who attack us. We can't trust cops here who have abused powers of authority & abused/traumatized me/my family/our BIPOC friends & community. We protect ourselves because no one else will.

#AsianMastodon #ACAB #ColonialResistance #Decolonize #POCactivists
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I've told 6 different #Canadian cop detachments that the reason almost all citizens hate them is due to their ongoing #SystematicRacism, zero protection for whistle-blowers, giving raises to worst of the worst police brass, not challenging their corrupt union leaders & "just following orders" like fucking Hitler SS.

Don't defend fucking institutionalized cowards - with badges/guns - over defending innocent citizens killed/maimed by those same fucking cops/corporate mercenaries you tried to defend.

For those who care about 'good cops' - why the fuck are you not fighting, tooth n nail, for genuine public accountability & protections for the very few brave enough to be #police #WhistleBlowers?!?!?

Why aren't more BC/Canadian citizens angry as heck over the fact our governments gave BILLIONS to RCMP/RCMP CIRG to break the law & assault activists & protect industry over humanity? Because of fucking corporate lobbyists powers. MONEY & POWER - #Colonizers bent on capitalism - never really change their selfish & inhumane priorities/policies unless forced to.

#ENDQualifiedImmunity #AccountabilityNOW #PoliceReform #AbololishPoliceUnions #Decolonize #CDNpoli #BCpoli
Here's the thing, for police apologists - I don't ever call any cop a friend. What I have said in past & will probably say again is that some cops I've had to deal with are more cilivilzed than their colleagues. I've had to deal with multiple different police over 30+ years of mostly frontlines activism & I know who to talk to & how to talk to them without putting more of my comrades in more dangers. People like me do not try to befriend ANY cop - unless we are doing recon/fake ops on them to draw out more info & yes - we have used male weaknesses over sex to do it. No regrets about having to fake liking/flirting with fascists & getting them drunk so they'd spill stuff they're not supposed to tell anyone but enjoy bragging about, if we giggled & complimented them on their cruel atrocities.

We sacrifice our own lives/safety to obtain info from the enemy's mouths. We are women of lifelong colonial resistance ✊️
We have also gotten the shit kicked out of us, more than once for doing what we do. We won't stop until we are dead.
Our physical bruises always heal. We won't stop fighting for justice. Anyone who thinks war survivors will stop fighting to save lives of those under colonial terrorism attacks is a fucking FOOL. You're talking about people who have learned to survive through unimaginable to Western eyes atrocities of evil. I am in FULL #SOLIDARITY with #PALESTINE. Almost every single war survivor on Earth is on that side.

#WarSurvivorsAgainstIsrael #WarSurvivorsAgainstUSA

Lydia Conwell hat dies geteilt

They can call us all #TunnelRats if they want.
They should probably go to more than #Zionist bigot schools & learn how rats - like cockroaches still survive - despite trying to kill em all. Fuck your Western govts normalization of racism & warmongering on Global South.
I never really thought of the connection before. But are the tunnels of Palestinian resistance inspired by the tunnels the Vietnamese used?
I think it was mutual inspiration to be honest.