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This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- #SherpaTTS levels up the #TextToSpeech #FOSS game
- #OrganicMaps is even more user focused
- #Tubular is live, a #NewPipe fork that knows tricks

Get the full story on more than 153 apps at https://f-droid.org/2025/02/06/twif.html
@kuketzblog Wäre das #sherpatts nicht etwas für sie #empfehlungsecke ? Endlich ein gutes #tts auch in deutscher Sprache (und vielen anderen) für googlefreie Androiden?
Schon ergänzt! Danke. :-)
Super, danke 🙂
tubular is great. Sherpa TTS crashed every single time I used it.
If the language download fails it can crash, so clean app data or reinstall. Next version will improve on that.
hi, i love f droid apps.

I wonder if there are Chinese apks that can be included in F droid.
We build FOSS apps from source, not "include apks". And we have plenty of Chinese FOSS apps. Which one do you miss?
HI, thanks for the quick reply I am using the Thumb key, which i find genius. The app does not have a speech to text functionality so I installed Sayboard though is not accurate.