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Journalist: “Do you believe that Israel has a right to exist?”

Francesca Albanese: (1/3)

Lydia Conwell hat dies geteilt

“Israel does exist. Israel is a recognised member of the United Nations. Besides this, there is not such thing in international law like “a right of a state to exist” … what is enshrined in international law is the right of a people to exist … so the state of Israel is there … does this justify the erasure of another people? Hell no. Not 75 years ago, not 57 years ago… surely not today. (2/3)
Where is the protection of the Palestinian people from erasure, from annexation, from illegal occupation, and apartheid? This is what we need to discuss… hmmm?”



Via @raph

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #settlerColonialism #illegalOccupation #warCrimes #ethnicCleansing #genocide #FrancescaAlbanese #UN #UnitedNations (3/3)