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A contact of mine (from #YACF ) has drawn up a webpage as an attempt to explain a few key things about deafness, hearing aids and 'hearing as a deaf person' in the hope it will help deaf and hearing people understand and communicate better and more kindl


It includes a lot of extremely useful information and advice - give it a read. You don't know when you'll next meet someone with hearing difficulties.

#deaf #deafcommunity #hearing #hearingloss #HearingAids
Early in my career I had a bit of a thing for a woman in Cambridge, where I was living, who ran Deaf Awareness training. So I went on the course - a day of my time and I think work gave me the time. Turns out she wasn't into fellas but the course was fantastic!

I have since organised for large numbers of colleagues to have some kind of Deaf Awareness training, most recently through the excellent Simon Houghton who's work thru lockdown was massive.

Everyone could benefit from this.