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We can now DIRECTLY OBSERVE planets being born!

Each of the arrow-marked blobs is a likely planet-in-the-making around the infant star FU Orionis (great name), located 1,350 light years away in the constellation Orion.

https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.05797 #space #science #astronomy #astrodon
First evidence of gravitational instability clumps with planetary masses. On the left, the ALMA band 6 continuum image of the protoplanetary disk around the FUor star V960 Mon, and on the right the SPHERE/IRDIS polarized light image. Contours of the ALMA continuum are overlaid on both images, corresponding to levels of 3, 4, and 5 times σ. The ALMA signal showing the clumps share the same location of the spiral arms around the star. Image from Weber et al. (2023).
The idea that planets were born from giant clouds in space is called the "nebular hypothesis."

It originated with Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg, way back in 1734. But only now can astronomers directly observe that, yes, planets really do form in clouds around newborn stars. Science takes time.

https://blogs.futura-sciences.com/e-luminet/2016/09/28/cosmogenesis-8-the-nebular-hypothesis/ #science #space #astronomy #nature
The Formation of the Solar System According to Swedenborg.
Swedenborg’s On the Principles of Natural Things consists of three volumes: the first is entitled Natural Principles, the second On Iron and the third On Copper and Orichalcum. In all of them the text is accompanied by elaborate diagrams.
Plate 26, which appears in the third part of Volume 1, is headed “De Chao Universali Solis et Planetarum” and explains the formation of the solar system. In Fig. 1 the crust formed by the original nebula as it solidified is about to burst. Fig. 2 shows the state of confusion and collapse as pieces of the sun are scattered through space. In Fig. 3 the crust has reformed as a disc surrounding the proto-sun. In Fig. 4 the pieces have separated into individual spheres: the planets.

Jennifer Ouellette hat dies geteilt