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Trump ushers in Christian "deep state." MAGA moves to gut U.S. Constitution

* Trump gave control of budget to Project 2025 henchman who calls this a "post-constitutional moment"

Religious choice vs. Christian nationalism

* Donald Trump rec'd <50% voter support

#USpol #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism
#ChristianRight #Christofascism #Gilead
#theocracy #DominionTheology #ChristianNationalism
#antiLGBT #transgenocide #USConstitution
Billionaire Preachers Built Most Powerful Political Machine in Texas

* Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks
* pushed TX statehouse far right. threatens separation of church/state
* relentlessly fund campaigns v. other Republicans
* Christian nationalism
* Dunn linked to think tanks jockeying to influence Trump2 administration

#Trump2 #fascism
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism #DominionTheology
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT
#billionaires #TimDunn #FarrisWilks
* Farris Wilks, Dan Wilks “Koch brothers of Christian Right”
* fund conservative groups e.g.
Focus on the Family
Heritage Foundation
* 2015 $15 million to Ted Cruz super PAC connected to David Barton

#Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism #HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism #DominionTheology #DavidBarton
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT #FocusOnTheFamily #FotF
#billionaires #TimDunn #FarrisWilks #DanWilks
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LukefromDC hat dies geteilt

Radical Theology That Could Make Religious Freedom a Thing of the Past

* dominion theology/dominionism
* refusal to separate church/state
* believe Christians “have biblical mandate to control all earthly institutions, incl. gov't, until 2nd coming of Jesus”

#Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism #Project2025
#ChristianRight #theocracy #ChristianNationalism
#DominionTheology #DavidBarton #TedCruz
#Christofascism #transgenocide #antiLGBT

LukefromDC hat dies geteilt

Making this shit the law of the land will force a desperate guerilla war of defense, without regard to the likelihood of victory.

If I burn at the stake, they burn wirh me!