Beiträge, die mit heritagefoundation getaggt sind
The 16th of March was the third day in a row of substantial protests in DC. This time around, Heritage Foundation was targetted.
Though things are getting nasty very fast, at the moment open protest is continuing and this is an excellent example of it
#Project2025 #Trump #Heritagefoundation
#NGO_GesinnungsTest distanziert.
Eine Selbst-hinterfragung der "christlichen" Parteien wäre angebracht .. wie dies im Correctiv-Artikel schon anklingt.
zudem bitte ich um Klarstellung bzgl. #DEI und #Maga_plot #project25
Jede Verbindung z.b. der #UnionStiftung zu #HeritageFoundation et. al ist gründlich zu hinterfragen
Geld, Macht, Kampagnen: Der lange Arm von Team Trump -
Wie millionenschwere Stiftungen und mächtige Lobbyisten versuchen, Trumps Agenda nach Europa zu bringen und die CDU für sich einzunehmen.Gabriela Keller (CORRECTIV)
#Buchanan #HeritageFoundation #CharlesGKoch #ElonMusk #Billionares #Dupont #RedScare #MAGA #SelfHarm #Politics #PropertySupremacy #Gaslighting #MagicUnicorn #Trump #FailedStateByDesign #Chile #Pinochet #DemocracyInChains
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
By: Jackie Llanos - February 5, 2025
"Roughly 300 people gathered in front of the old Florida Capitol in #TallahasseeFlorida Wednesday afternoon to protest the Trump administration, including the president’s actions against #immigrants and #transgender people.
"The protest, which went on for hours under the sun, was part of a nationwide movement that started online calling for 50 protests in 50 states on one day under the hashtag #50501.
"'We need to be loud,' Madalyn Propst, a lead organizer of the protest with the climate activism group #SunriseTallahassee, told the growing crowd as the protest began. She told the Florida Phoenix that organizing the event, which drew people from other parts of the state, had required a quick turnaround.
"Protesters held signs bashing President Donald Trump and #ElonMusk, plus #Project2025, which is the #HeritageFoundation’s strategy for the administration. Other signs called for the protection of #immigrants, #LGBTQ people, #ReproductiveRights, and the #Environment."
Read more:
#50501Movement #50501Protests #ResistFascism #Resist #Resistance
Protesters at Florida Capitol join national movement pushing back against Trump • Florida Phoenix
Roughly 300 people gathered in front of the old Florida Capitol in Tallahassee Wednesday afternoon to protest the Trump administration, including the president’s actions against immigrants and transgender people.Jackie Llanos (Florida Phoenix)
James Sherk was announced as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy on January 18. A White House official during Trump’s first term, Sherk was a key figure in Trump’s endeavors to purge civil servants and replace them with loyalists through an effort known as “Schedule F”. After Biden was elected, he repealed Schedule F, and Sherk slunk off to the America First Policy Institute to continue efforts to advance Trump’s policies. Prior to these positions, he was a staff member at the Heritage Foundation.
While Project 2025 and similar initiatives have been public about their plans to reshape the federal workforce, Trump and other figures in his administration have denied or downplayed links with the initiative. These documents show that implementation is already well underway, with designated personnel quietly drafting policies that were intended only to be publicly attributed to those in charge of the federal agencies.
#USpolitics #USpol #Project2025 #HeritageFoundation
* Trump2 will exploit religion, pander to white evangelical base
#USpol #USlaw #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#ChristianRight #Catholicism #OpusDei #theocracy #whiteSupremacism #DominionTheocracy
#antiLGBT #ParentalRightsMovement #transphobia
#Christofascism #transgenocide
#FamilyResearchCouncil #FRC #LibsOfTikTok #MomsForLiberty #AcPEDs
#WomensRights #misogyny
Trump Will Bulldoze the Separation of Church and State
We can expect Trump to continue to exploit religion and pander to his base of white evangelicals.Annie Laurie Gaylor (
#HeritageFoundation #Wikipedia
Scoop: Heritage Foundation plans to ‘identify and target’ Wikipedia editors – The Forward
The conservative think tank told prospective donors that the project was part of its work to combat antisemitism.The Forward
Kevin Roberts is the President of the #HeritageFoundation and the mastermind behind #Project2025.
Project 2025 Mastermind Said He Killed Dog With a Shovel: Former Colleagues
People who worked with Kevin Roberts reportedly found the comments unsettling.Alia Shoaib (Newsweek)
#ProjectEsther is a new proposal from Heritage that claims to lay out a plan to combat #antisemitism in the United States. In fact, it aims to destroy the #Palestine solidarity movement..."
"Inside Project Esther..." #SJP #Zionists @palestine @israel
Inside Project Esther, the Right Wing Action Plan to Take Down the Palestine Movement
The Heritage Foundation’s “Project Esther” claims to combat antisemitism but in fact, aims to destroy the Palestine solidarity movement as a first step in a crusade against all do…
* $134 / trans person in anti-trans ad spending: civil rights attorney Alejandra Caraballo
#transphobia #homophobia #antiLGBT #conservatism #MAGA #Trumpism #FarRight #ChristianRight #Catholicism #fascism #discrimination #ParentalRightsMovement #FamilyResearchCouncil #FRC #LibsOfTikTok #MomsForLiberty #M4L #DeSantis #GOP #RepublicanParty #WomensRights #SelfDetermination #ElonMusk #HeritageFoundation
Republicans Spent Nearly $215M on TV Ads Attacking Trans Rights This Election
“That's $134 per trans person in anti-trans ad spending,” civil rights attorney Alejandra Caraballo said.Zane McNeill (Truthout)
* lawyer
* served as member of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 2017+
* appointed by Trump
* authored chapter in Heritage Foundation's Project 2025
* Carr proposes "reining in Big Tech" as main goal for FCC
* Nov 2024 Trump selected Carr to lead FCC
#BrendanCarr #HeritageFoundation #Project2025 #FCC #NetNeutrality #censorship
#Trump2 #GOP #fascism #authoritarianism #disinformation #Christofascism
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #libertarianism
November 4, 2019 – Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Of the world’s 197 countries, 189 have ratified the agreement. Among the other non-signatories are Iran, Iraq, Angola, and Libya
#NeverAgainTrump #TrumpWillLose2024 #HarrisWalz #TrumpIsSatan #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlue #GOP #Project2025 #Agenda47 #HeritageFoundation #WeirdGOP #USPol