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Beiträge, die mit usconstitution getaggt sind

In theory, every American is required to contribute to Medicare. In practice, @ProPublica says, billionaires including Steve Cohen, owner of the New York Mets, and hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman, are paying diddly-squat. Here’s how they do it.


#USPolitics #DonaldTrump #USConstitution #USCongress #News #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

Trump ushers in Christian "deep state." MAGA moves to gut U.S. Constitution

* Trump gave control of budget to Project 2025 henchman who calls this a "post-constitutional moment"

Religious choice vs. Christian nationalism

* Donald Trump rec'd <50% voter support

#USpol #GOP #Trump2 #fascism #authoritarianism
#ChristianRight #Christofascism #Gilead
#theocracy #DominionTheology #ChristianNationalism
#antiLGBT #transgenocide #USConstitution