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It's a sad story.

A long battle pitting dedicated climate scientists on one side versus billionaire capitalists and neoliberal politicians on the other side.

Guess who won.

➡️ https://grist.org/economics/how-the-world-gave-up-on-1-5-degrees-overshoot/

And this is not Hollywood. There will be no "happy ending" to the story.

#Politics #History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "How the world gave up on 1.5 degrees." Subheading says: "A decade after the Paris agreement, Andreas Malm and Wim Carton trace how we've kept on with business as usual." Below this is the front cover of their book titled Overshoot.
No, I am not going to accept this, and I guess many others stand with me! We are NOT going to accept that ANYBODY tells US that we have to tailor our live in accordance with climate change.
Climate change is a result of human misbehaviour. NOBODY is allowed to tell ME that I misbehave.
I am not going to accept planes, missiles, and cars - never!
I am not going to accept the failures of capitalism - never!
I am not going to accept the police - who act for the the wrong parties.