Summer Greens
A gorgeous day by Loch Earn, perfect for a stroll along the waterside to a viewpoint above the roads. Magical!
Looking back to June, and a trip we took to Loch Earn in the southern highlands of #Scotland, in the districts of Perth and Kinross, and Stirling.
Am Bioran (608 m/1995 ft) and Beinn Fuath (649 m/2129 ft)
#SaturdayScenery #LandscapePhotography #WeatherPhotography
A gorgeous day by Loch Earn, perfect for a stroll along the waterside to a viewpoint above the roads. Magical!
Looking back to June, and a trip we took to Loch Earn in the southern highlands of #Scotland, in the districts of Perth and Kinross, and Stirling.
Am Bioran (608 m/1995 ft) and Beinn Fuath (649 m/2129 ft)
#SaturdayScenery #LandscapePhotography #WeatherPhotography