I have a question about #
Trump #
tariffsWhat would happen if a country (e.g. Australia) retaliated to a tariff by applying one to big tech whose products are largely free to use (because the consumer is the product)?
Big tech would have to front the cost of the tariff to keep their products free or charge consumers in that country to use their previously free service.
This could then open up the market for international competitors and we might actually start to see better offerings for consumers in this space. Maybe even bring about the end of enshittification.
Am I on to something? I am no global trade expert and have no background in economics!
politics #
auspol #
uspol #
potus #
AJ Sadauskas •
Inhaltswarnung: Trump-adjacent
One way you could possibly do that is by putting a revenue tax on online advertising sales by US tech companies.
So instead of taxing them for end users, hitting them at their revenue source.
Give the ABC, Seven, Nine, and News Corp a cut of that revenue to support local journalism, and you could probably get the mainstream media on board with it too.
I'm sure someone like @johnquiggin will have more ideas on how Australia could tax Silicon Valley?
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt