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This is #foreigninterference and #electioninterference

"Australia’s peak Jewish groups saying they feel betrayed by the Albanese government"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate this reprehensible act from the extreme anti-Israeli position of the Labor government in Australia,”

“Anti-Israel sentiment is antisemitism,”

Says the #warcriminal #netanyahu

Get fucked #israel 🖕🏻
Stop interfering in elections/countries/governments

Fuck #hasbara propaganda.


I've been told that most, if not all, "Jewish" schools in Australia indoctrinate students to be loyal to Israel. We definitely have a Zionist problem.

Yeah, the indoctrination is life long. They are encouraged to "return home" to Israel etc and to not view "foreign countries" as home.

The loyalty is hammered in. It's not an option.

We need to block their "funding" aka: bribes.

The opposition is singing the same tune as israel which is no surprise.
Good point @ami
Should any school that promotes loyalty to a foreign country receive funding from Australian taxpayers?

I remind you of the position taken by the Catholic Church, that their doctrine overrides local laws and customs. Famously despite espousing that view Tony Abbott was allowed to serve in parliament and even became Prime Minister for a while.

Catholic Schools are very well funded by the Australian taxpayer.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
In Australia, when "doctrine" has led to violation of law, the law has generally prevailed. AFAIK, the Catholic church promotes neither a political ideology nor loyalty to a foreign country. The latter could be viewed as treasonous.

I'm not at all happy that Australian taxpayers subsidise religious institutions, but I understand some of the history.

Cardinal Pell being a recent example of doctrine overriding Australian law and that being celebrated by our rulers.

The global pedophile gang should be outlawed and banned, not given state subsides and access to children.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Doctrine didn't override law @moz
The law just proved imperfect (again).

Thanks for tacitly conceding that promoting a political ideology (Zionism) or loyalty to a foreign country (Israel) should not be funded by the Australian taxpayer.

I couldn't agree more.
I want to ask them why they protect one group but not the other, I want to put them on the spot.

Jewish students deserve better too.

Of course we all know it's down to bribes, propaganda and the way the wind is blowing at that moment.

I have a feeling it's going to come back on them. If disliking zionism or israel's actions is antisemitic then much of the world is. They will dilute the term and it won't have any bite anymore.

It's definitely culty.
Apparently, every Jewish person is entitled to Israeli citizenship @Tooden
S44(i) of the Constitution disqualifies anyone who is "entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power" from serving in Parliament. I presume every Jewish MP has formally relinquished their right to Israeli citizenship.
