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Beiträge, die mit warcriminal getaggt sind

‘Dit is onze tweede onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, niets minder dan dat. We zijn al bijna geen democratie meer, en zonder democratie kan Israël niet overleven.’

https://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/in-jeruzalem-heersen-woede-en-wanhoop-over-de-ramkoers-van-netanyahu-israel-verandert-in-een-fascistische-dictatuur~bb23145a/ #Israel #autocratie #TerroristState
#protest #Jeruzalem #RonenBar #GaliBaharavMiara
#Netanyahu #warcriminal #Gaza #genocide #Lebanon #Syria

'Tienduizenden Israëliërs protesteren tegen regering: ‘Netanyahu heeft de poorten van de hel geopend’


#Israel #Jerusalem #protest #EndTheWar #Gaza #CeasefireForGazaNOW #Netanyahu #warcriminal

"Het Israëlische leger heeft maandagnacht de grootschalige bombardementen op de Gazastrook hervat. Het dodental sindsdien staat op 436, zegt het ministerie van Gezondheid in Gaza. Onder hen zijn 183 minderjarigen en 94 vrouwen."

#Israel #TerroristState #ceasefire #CeasefireForGazaNOW #Gaza #IDF #warcrimes #genocide #Netanyahu #warcriminal

#ICC #arrestNetanyahu #warcriminal #Israel #Gaza #genocide



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu has appeared in a picture, along with Israeli #soldiers, boasting about breaking into a #Palestinian family's home in a #WestBank #refugee #camp.

The fate of the family is unknown.

#Occupation #Impunity #Unbelievable #Israel #Palestine #WarCriminal #Inhumanity #SanctionIsrael #BoycotIsrael #StopIsrael


@palestine @palestine @israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu has appeared in a picture, along with Israeli #soldiers, boasting about breaking into a #Palestinian family's home in a #WestBank #refugee #camp.

The fate of the family is unknown.

#Occupation #Impunity #Unbelievable #Israel #Palestine #WarCriminal #Inhumanity #SanctionIsrael #BoycotIsrael #StopIsrael


After participating in the #Gaza #genocide, this Israeli tank commander from the 52nd Battalion, who was involved in kidnapping hundreds of civilians (especially in #Jabalia) and who enjoyed taking selfies with them, landed in #Amsterdam today for a vacation.
#zionazis #warcriminal #alert

And this is why a war criminal directly involved in planning the mass murder of civilians is allowed to enter the UK.
In September 2011, David Cameron’s coalition government passed new legislation requiring the consent of the director of public prosecutions (DPP) before universal jurisdiction arrest warrants could be issued.
The UK literally rewrote their laws so war criminals could happily join the Prime Minister for a cup of tea and laugh at us plebs for daring to even consider punishing the wicked. #UK #Israel #WarCriminal #Palestine #Lebanon #Genocide

Totální obnažení fungování moderního světa.

"V sobotu začne další masakr. Budeme vraždit děti, ženy, starce. Novináře, záchranáře, intelektuály,.. už jsme vyvraždili. Nemocnice, školy, vládní body jsme srovnali se zemí..."

#freepalestine #gaza #sionismus #warcriminal #netanyahu

#Israel #Gaza #ceasefire #Netanyahu #warcriminal

"Volgens Hamas-kenner en universitair hoofddocent Islam & Arabisch aan de Universiteit Utrecht Joas Wagemakers doet Hamas dit, omdat de groep ziet dat Israël helemaal niet naar de tweede fase van het bestand wil. Iets wat volgens hem al langer bekend is, maar nu aan de oppervlakte komt."

'Niet onderhandelen over fase 2'
Volgens Hamas-kenner en universitair hoofddocent Islam & Arabisch aan de Universiteit Utrecht Joas Wagemakers doet Hamas dit, omdat de groep ziet dat Israël helemaal niet naar de tweede fase van het bestand wil. Iets wat volgens hem al langer bekend is, maar nu aan de oppervlakte komt.

"Hamas wil een einde aan de oorlog en daarvoor zijn fase 2 en 3 cruciaal, terwijl Israël altijd heeft gezegd Hamas te willen vernietigen en dat staat haaks op fase 2 en 3. Hamas weet dat en daarom zetten ze nu de hakken in het zand. De gijzelaars zijn de enige troefkaart die ze hebben. Als ze die uit handen geven, dan kan Israël doen wat het wil."

De onderhandelingen over de tweede fase van het bestand hadden vorige week maandag al moeten beginnen, maar die werden door Netanyahu uitgesteld vanwege zijn bezoek aan Trump. Bovendien stuurde hij een delegatie met weinig bevoegdheden, die inmiddels alweer thuis is.

"Netanyahu schijnt zelfs tegen zijn onderhandelaars gezegd te hebben dat ze niet over fase 2 moeten onderhandelen, maar moeten proberen om fase 1 te verlengen", vertelt Wagemakers. "Dat is ook een reden voor Hamas om nu in te grijpen."

“Switzerland launches probe into suspected Israeli war criminal”

by The Cradle News Desk

“Israeli soldiers are facing numerous criminal complaints in courts worldwide over the multitude of crimes against humanity they have committed inside Gaza”


#Press #Switzerland #Hind #Rajab #Foundation #Israel #WarCriminal #IDF #Soldier #Criminal #Complaint #Impunity #EndImpunity #Genocide #Gaza

#Israel #Gaza #ceasefire #Netanyahu #warcriminal #ICJ

"Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, will seek to delay the implementation of each of the three stages in order to gain more time and stay on as the country’s prime minister, said Abu Shahadeh.

“Unfortunately, this criminal of war is running the whole Israeli state according to his political interests,” he said."
Will the ceasefire deal hold and progress?
More from Sami Abu Shahadeh, the former member of the Israeli Knesset.

The commentator said he believes the ceasefire will continue.

But Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, will seek to delay the implementation of each of the three stages in order to gain more time and stay on as the country’s prime minister, said Abu Shahadeh.

“Unfortunately, this criminal of war is running the whole Israeli state according to his political interests,” he said.

“I think his main political interest now is to survive till the summer vacation of the Knesset that starts on July 28 and ends after the end of all the Hebrew feasts at the end of October,” he said.

And if Netanyahu is successful in prolonging the ceasefire talks till the end of July, “it means he will continue being a prime minister, at least till the beginning of 2026”.

Abu Shahadeh added:

“He has elections at the end of 2026, so I think in each period, in each part of the ceasefire talks, Netanyahu will try to win a few more days in order to get to this. But the whole issue here is that there’s a dangerous prime minister, criminal of war, wanted by the ICC, running the whole state according to his own personal political interests.”

“The #Hastings3 are free – and already planning another pro-Palestine protest”

by The Canary @thecanaryuk @UKLabour @palestine

“The three told the court that they were at General Dynamics on that day to disrupt the business of the weapons manufacturers and to slow production down”


#Press #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #Protest #GeneralDynamics #Israel #Weapons #ICJ #ShamTrial #MK80Bombs #Labour #Starmer #WarCriminal

“Poland is planning to make a mockery out of international law by harbouring war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.”

by Declan O’Mulrooney in the spectacle on Substack


“Andrzej Duda’s bizarre request to shield Netanyahu exposes Western hypocrisy and undermines the International Criminal Court’s credibility.”


#Press #Poland #Netanyahu #WarCriminal #ICC #Auschwitz #Liberation #Anniversary

Israeli #WarCriminal #YoavGallant is in New York, protected by #NYPD against angry Jews who think him what he is: a traitor to our history and traditions. Heck, I don't even like #NetureiKarta but respect their strength. Watch him call them Nazi #kapos, non-Jews, & #Hamas allies.

This is #foreigninterference and #electioninterference

"Australia’s peak Jewish groups saying they feel betrayed by the Albanese government"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate this reprehensible act from the extreme anti-Israeli position of the Labor government in Australia,”

“Anti-Israel sentiment is antisemitism,”

Says the #warcriminal #netanyahu

Get fucked #israel 🖕🏻
Stop interfering in elections/countries/governments

Fuck #hasbara propaganda.



What an embarrassment this man is.
👉 #DickSchoof #NotMyPrimeMinister #notInMyName 😡
Dick Schoof is a Secret Service guy, now a tool. Geert Wilders owns him.

"Dutch see options for Netanyahu to visit despite ICC arrest warrant"


#Netanyahu #ICC #warcriminal
#Israel #Gaza #genocide #starvation #famine
Netherland's Prime Minister Dick Schoof attends the informal EU Summit at the Puskas Arena, in Budapest, Hungary, November 8, 2024. REUTERS/Marton Monus/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

"All signatories of the #RomeStatute, including many of #Israel's allies, are obliged to detain and hand over indicted leaders"

Full list of 124 countries that must arrest #Netanyahu for the #ICC

Meanwhile... "In 14-1 UN #SecurityCouncil Vote, Lone US Veto Kills #Gaza #CeaseFire Resolution"

"The 14-1 vote at the #UNSC marked the fourth time the United States has blocked a Gaza resolution..." https://scheerpost.com/2024/11/21/in-14-1-un-security-council-vote-lone-us-veto-kills-gaza-cease-fire-resolution/ #WarCrimes #WarCriminal @palestine @israel #Palestine