On #Mastodon there are now
341 verified accounts from #news organizations in
21 languages and on
115 instances.
208 were active today.
Some accounts, that were active today are
@techreview_de (GER)
@diesachsen (GER)
@derStandard (GER)
@Deskmodder (GER)
@kipuka (FRA)
Find the whole list on:
➡️ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ixsccIFQ4uD2HFlf92Ag7VS3rNOGwa97wFsSb3JxCwo/edit#gid=876665327
Built by @mho
#MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #Fediverse #Media #Press #Newspaper #TwitterMigration #Newstodon
341 verified accounts from #news organizations in
21 languages and on
115 instances.
208 were active today.
Some accounts, that were active today are
@techreview_de (GER)
@diesachsen (GER)
@derStandard (GER)
@Deskmodder (GER)
@kipuka (FRA)
Find the whole list on:
➡️ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ixsccIFQ4uD2HFlf92Ag7VS3rNOGwa97wFsSb3JxCwo/edit#gid=876665327
Built by @mho
#MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #Fediverse #Media #Press #Newspaper #TwitterMigration #Newstodon