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"To give some idea of what banning #fluoride might look like, Calgary, Canada, banned fluoride in 2011. In the eight years afterward, the need for intravenous antibiotic therapy for children to avoid death from #infection skyrocketed 700 percent at the Alberta Children’s Hospital."

Aside: This is because bacteria in untreated, infected #cavities can sometimes spread to other body parts, including the bloodstream, and lead to #sepsis.

#rfkjr #trump #dental #publichealth
@fluxed. My teeth have been pretty much naturally disintigrating since I was 14 I'm 71 and in good health thanks.

I'm not saying thats a good thing, just that Correlation DOES NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL Causation. Alberta is a toxic pit thanks to FRACKING operations. There are a host of other factors... why don't you do someting dumber... like attack Raw Milk. Another RFKJr thingie. I LOVE Raw Milk. Bye.