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Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

A mild morn here at the ol' Imperial Palace! Kittys are fed and on patrol.

Why is dipshit convicted felon and rapist Donald J Puppyfucker not yet in custody? AmeriKKKa is a 3rd world shithole.

GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die.

Israel is a terrorist state.

Today's agenda: Other than the cemetery scavenger hunt I hadda postpone yesterday, nada. Nada damn thing.
A peeling sign on a dilapidated building reads BRAINS 25cents. DRIVE-IN.
Morning Blippy my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖
A good morning wish right back atcha!

I'm working on 2nd breakfast. (And continuing to binge #Survivor)
Brötchen with Nutella. Nom nom nom!