I've just updated the guide on how to make your Mastodon and Fediverse posts accessible to blind and deaf people:
➡️ https://fedi.tips/how-do-i-make-posts-more-accessible-to-blind-people-on-mastodon-and-the-fediverse
Amongst other things, it now includes step-by-step instructions for adding alt texts.
Thanks for all the feedback about the previous version, hopefully this provides more info in a clearer way. Let me know if I've missed something or got something wrong.
(I also merged the blind and deaf guides as the media description process is identical.)
➡️ https://fedi.tips/how-do-i-make-posts-more-accessible-to-blind-people-on-mastodon-and-the-fediverse
Amongst other things, it now includes step-by-step instructions for adding alt texts.
Thanks for all the feedback about the previous version, hopefully this provides more info in a clearer way. Let me know if I've missed something or got something wrong.
(I also merged the blind and deaf guides as the media description process is identical.)
How do I make posts more accessible to blind and deaf people on Mastodon and the Fediverse? How do I add alt texts? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the Fediversefedi.tips
AnneTheWriter •
How can we advocate for more #AltText on #Pixelfed ? I see so many obvious #Instagram migrants there, posting lots of images without AltText. For me, it's especially frustrating when I see comic strip panels with tiny text in the balloons, that I can't even read when zoomed on my phone.
I've politely mentioned it a few times privately to those accounts that most need it, and left one AltText suggestion in one comment, but I don't think the community there feels about it as strongly as we do here on #Mastodon .
What can we do to encourage it there, also?
Fedi.Tips •
I just tried posting with it and there is nothing in the process prompting you to add alt text. In fact the only way you can add alt text is if you add an image, THEN click on a slider icon under that image and then "edit alt text".
if you didn't know the option was there, it would be a bit difficult to discover it... 🤔
I'll report this as a bug, thanks for bringing this up.
AnneTheWriter •
Fedi.Tips •
AnneTheWriter •
Fedi.Tips •
When you say "takes you to a comment", do you mean it starts a new blank reply?
By the way, you might want to try a third party app instead, most people who try them tend to prefer them. For example Tusky, Fedilab and Moshidon are popular on Android 🙂
AnneTheWriter •
Fedi.Tips •
I will mention it.
AnneTheWriter •
Fedi.Tips •
Fedi.Tips •
Vint Prox •
Melroy van den Berg •
Fedi.Tips •
FWIW the official Masto web interface has an ALT icon lit in yellow if you haven't added a description, and some forks/mods of the web interface make the warning much more explicit with red borders etc.
The official app does it pretty well I think, when you attach the image there is a text on top of the image encouraging people to type a description which you just type over, all in one window.
woe2you •
Fedi.Tips •
Also you can post audio files on here, so that obviously needs some kind of text description for those who can't hear.
Martijn “McDutchie” Dekker🇪🇺 •
To me, as an #autistic person whose perception and information processing work in quite different ways, it is not always clear what the point of an image is. Some good alt text can help a lot.
Some clarifying background info in alt text can also be very useful for the general public (which helps to normalise the use of alt text).
Fedi.Tips •
Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 •
phenomenon of disability-friendly features also being appreciated by people in general
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Fedi.Tips •
GreenSkyOverMe (Monika) •
Fedi.Tips •
GreenSkyOverMe (Monika) •