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Tag yourself! I was Lawful Evil when I wrote on a typewriter (yes, I'm impossibly old). I changed alignment to Chaotic Good when I got a word processing program with multiple typefaces.

#writing #writingcommunity #typography #font #fonts #humor #humour #dnd #dnd5e #alignment
DnD alignment chart comparing fonts to alignment: Times New Roman=Lawful Good, Georgia=Neutral Good, Garamond=Chaotic Good, Arial=Lawful Neutral, Cambria=True Neutral, Calibri=Chaotic Nuetral, Courier=Lawful Evil, Comic Sans=Nuetral Evil, Papyrus=Chaotic Evil
Lawful evil, but only because I split my time between creative work and system administration, and sometimes don't bother switching programs.
I like Palatino font which nothing uses, and I think Times New Roman is Lawful Evil and Courier is Lawful Neutral.
where’s Helvetica? You only have the imposter on the chart
Chaotic evil is Wingdings or Zapf Dingbat.

Or maybe piQaD.
Back in the days of paper, I set my Word template to Garamond and slightly tightened the tracking.

My hypothesis was that 99.9% of people wouldn't notice I wasn't using the Times New Roman default but that my documents would look subliminally more interesting, so more likely to be read.

I still believe this works. But now with everything on screen, I wouldn't bother.
I used to be a Cambria guy, but I somehow slipped into Constantia, and haven’t wanted to change yet.
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(L)awful evil forever ❤️
I'm a Garamond kinda guy.

Though I may challenge your "impossibly old", I too smashed out my original works on a typewriter (electric - it was a vicious machine) using carbon paper to ensure I had a copy.
I’m old enough to remember when Microsoft popularized Arial by giving it away for free. And that for a while it occasionally caused issues when we sent stuff out to print shops
From one day to the next, I don't know whether I'm going to be Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil, but now I understand why I've always hated Times New Roman.