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If those who aren't happy with the outcome of the General Election in July are now demanding another one.

Then politely can all of us who voted #Remain in the #Brexit vote, signed a petition which has 6 million signatures asking for another referendum, now have another referendum to undo the stupidity of Brexit!

Or is that one vote we aren't allowed to undo! Plus should they remember their own slogan - 'will of the people!'
I think it’s a waste of time demanding another election. It would give Reform UK everything they ever wanted. What people should be demanding is that #Labour act on the promises they made: and stop aping the #Tories Work with the EU, aligning trade, preparing the ground for re-admission in twenty years time: put the graft in for more Scottish devolution, and for reunification in Ireland. Stop supporting ##Israel’s #genocide Support Ukraine instead. Renationalise water, public transport and energy. Lots more affordable homes, invest in the #NHS Stop pissing about with privatising the nhs, education and get rid of Mandelson & Blair. Tax the rich.
there will not be a general election, of course, but the demand for one by so many people Highlights the discontent. Any decent politician should, and would, react to this pressure with a good hard look and, hopefully, improvements.


JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

I doubt the point of that petition is really to get another election, because governments ignore petitions. You’ll just get a word salad about Tory Chaos And Difficult Decisions. But it might cause real concern in Downing Street, and a rethink. If not it’ll definitely help the case for Scotland’s independence.
We had our chance at achieving renationalisation, ending privatisation and all those other goid things under a government run by Jeremy Corbyn. #Starmer and his cronies blew all that out of the water. #Socialism in the UK is stuffed for at least another 20 years.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

The people that count, the voting population did not trust Corbyn to deliver, they approved of his policies, just not him, and yes MSM didn't help, unfortunately Corbyn has skeletons, Starmer doesn't. If Labour brings the water companies in to public hands the population would not see any improvements due to the debt that will come with it and lead to another Tory gov who would take sale the water companies again and leave the tax payer with the debt. They need to wait until the water companies fail, and do what they are doing with the rail companies
The skeleton of antisemitism, presumably. Used by #Starmer to get rid of him, then vindicated by the Ford report which Starmer suppressed.
Starmer's skeletons are going to be #genocide and the ghosts of #Gaza
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
🤣 No, talking about his foreign policy and reported connections. Corbyn lost against Johnson of all people, doesn't matter how principled you are or how good your policies are. If the people who vote don't believe you can deliver, then you help no one. Starmer won with a very small vote share, he understood the game and won.
Votes for Starmer's Labour in 2024:

Votes for Corbyn's Labour in 2019:

Given that Corbyn got half a million more votes than Starmer, I don't think "people didn't believe in him" was the issue. The biggest reason Labour won this year was because the Tories lost votes harder than they did.
Corbyn lost to the 'Get Brexit Done' and 'No UKIP in Tory seats or marginals they might win' behemoth in 2019, no party could have stopped that.

Starmer was the only option to a truly hated gov, so kept quiet on his thatcherism.

Starmer is just another Tory. he defeated Sunak, but has not changed any policy in place.
yep, there have been a lot of lies.

Links to the IRA? Facilitated the peace process.

Laughing at a remembrance service? Doctored photo.

Antisemitic? Regular guest with Jewish groups, but failed to deal with a subtle dog whistle well.

Not electable? Self-fulfilling propaganda.

Extreme policies? When separated from the person, they were very popular.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

doesnt matter in first past the post, so long as you win 1 more vote available than the second place person in each constituency, you win that seat. That's why FPTP is bad, 100% of the power for 30% of the vote. Give me PR any day.
well the last thing the neoliberals wanted was an even vaguely honest PM.... that would have cost them personally, money.

And at the heart that is what this is about, the top 10% want to protect their money, Corbyn threatened that, he HAD to go.

The worst of it is, all those 'antisemitism' warnings about Corbyns view on Israel, have been proven true. Israel is that evil genocidal dictatorship.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

Whatever smeard were aimed at Corbyn, he was one ofthe architects of Brexit and I will never forgive him for that.
That is a lie.

And you know it.

He never stood alongside Banks, Farage and Johnson, he didn't have a bus with a lie on it.

In fact he campaigned for remain, because as he said, he might be personally ambivalent about the EU, the UK was better inside the EU than outside it. AN honest position.

You are repeating a deliberate lie and smear to clear the true architects, who I suspect from your stance, you voted with.

JimmyB (he/him) hat dies geteilt

I love in Japan. I've been asleep!
I live in Japan. You'be been complaining I'm not replying while I'm asleep.
Corbyn was the first polotician to say we must imvoke Art 50 immmediately after a narrow wi for Leave in the Ref. He refus2d to call out the und3mocratic nature of the ref campaign. He ordered his MPs to vote for the initial Art 50 bill without any checks and balances like a confirmation ref after the negotiations...