#ElizabethWarren is 100% right on #Trump's latest blatantly illegal act: '"While President Trump illegally pauses federal funding from Congress, the Senate must not be business as usual," Warren (D-Mass.) argued on social media before the freeze was supposed to take effect. "We do not consent to this lawless power grab."' #Democrats must use every tool they have to bring everything #Republicans want to a screeching halt. Gloves off! https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-freeze?utm_source=Common+Dreams&utm_campaign=f17882e943-Top+News%3A+Tues.+1%2F28%2F25&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-3b949b3e19-600541243
'We Do Not Consent,' Says Warren of Illegal 'Power Grab' as Judge Halts Trump Order
Multiple lawmakers and advocacy groups argue that the White House's freeze on federal grant and loan funding is unlawful, and two legal challenges are already in progress.jessica-corbett (Common Dreams)