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No way am I opening that door.
This reminds me of "Murphy's Law of Negative Entropy:"

A teaspoon of wine in a barrel of sewage gives you sewage.

A teaspoon of sewage in a barrel of wine gives you sewage.

"Mostly" resolved?
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
one of those cases where "mostly" means "not". (As, frequently, do various other words, such as "nearly" as in "nearly finished".)
Boy, I need to re-watch Southpark
Just one or two left although they are 2 metres in diameter
Is that alluring to "good enough security"?
... But, whatever you do, don't open door number 4! Thanks!
"Nearly" can also mean "didn't", as in "that car nearly hit me".
Resolved in favor of the spiders.
it's the only way to be sure.
How to clear a room in less than 30 seconds.
They've come to a tentative agreement with their negotiator. Now the treaty just needs to be signed and the hostages will be released.
Unexpected plot twist. Let me get the flame thrower.
i'll post this on my boss's door Monday morning. He's been out for weeks with business trips and vacation. no better way to say "welcome back?"
The spiders aren't the problem. Their food source is!
Unless the place was infested by giant human-eating spiders, of course. In that case you better find a new place to live.
Would that be the $9K dog robot flame thrower? 🤣
"You have a tiny spider problem right here Ma'am... We are going to play it safe and send in the robot. Don't worry, it's all under control".

(2nd plot twist: the spiders also learned how to control the robot)
It’s a fine line between ”infestation” and “cohabitation”.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (10 Monate her)
the chances of getting killed by a spider infested classroom are low, but never zero
i like spiders but no 😝
Please tell me that for the Best Western in Glendale…
Yeah that's a good way for me to want to just burn my entire house down
I want to make some printouts and put them up... somewhere.
That's the opening of some disaster movie. Now we need the scientist warning, the beacounter and politicians neglecting it, the girl, the hero and some money from Asylum Productions.
@tchambers That is a hard pass for me.
"mostly" bearing more load than the drywall of the Groverhaus
I like that the clarify that it's the problematic infestation, rather than the totally nonchalant one that people get along with.
they agreed to pay rent but the check didn't come through yet